Remove air cleaner and spray butterfly valve and linkage until all parts are clean and moving freely. To clean automatic choke, remove choke cover and baffle plate. Flush out contaminants. Manually open and close choke until all parts are moving freely.
TO CLEAN THROTTLE VALVES: Run the engine to normal operating temperature. Turn the engine off. Remove the air Intake boot as close to the throttle valve as possible. Spray liberally into the throat, working the throttle plate open and closed by hand.
TO CLEAN THROTTLE BODIES: Run the engine to normal operating temperature. Turn the engine off. Remove the air cleaner while the throttle plate is being opened and closed by hand. Spray liberally into the throat. Spray into the air-by-pass port. Start the engine and continue to spray. Finish by cleaning the outside and linkage of the throttle body.
TO CLEAN IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVES: The idle air control valve may not have been thoroughly cleaned when the throttle valve or throttle body was sprayed. In this case you may have to remove the idle air control valve to thoroughly clean this part.